
Our mission is only possible with your support.
100% of your contributions go directly to supporting the life and work of Saint Andrew's.

Ways to Contribute

Your contributions in all their forms are important and valued. Without our supporters, we could not do the work we do. 

Donations and offerings are not the only way to contribute either! The gift of time and talent are integral to our community too. Go to the 'Get Involved' page to see how you can participate and give.  

We are grateful for your support! 

St. Andrew's is a charitable organization registered with Canada Revenue Agency #131575193 RR0001.
We issue tax receipts for donations and gifts over $20.

Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)

Pre-Authorized Remittance, or PAR, is a monthly giving option, administered by the United Church of Canada.

Sign up to have a monthly offering debited from your bank or credit card(s), with some options as to how your givings are distributed to United Church Mission & Service, St. Andrew's United Church, and other missions.

Click the 'PAR Form' below to get started, or email us to make changes to an existing PAR contribution. 

  PAR Form  

Donate by E-Transfer

Donate right from your bank by e-transfer. It's easy to set up and free for Saint Andrew's to receive.

Add [email protected] as an e-transfer contact with your bank, then email us the funds. We have auto-deposit so no password is needed.

In the comments or message, please include your first & last name, email, phone number, and donation designation (eg. Local church expenses, Mission & Service, Sunday Suppers, Benevolent Fund, Refugee Sponsorship, The Stage).

Need Help?

Donate Cash or Cheque

Drop off cash or cheque offerings at the church during office hours or send a cheque by mail.

When the office if closed, a secure donation drop is available in the mail slot, located to the bottom right of the Coburg Road entrance (double glass doors).

You can also bring your offering to Sunday service and place it in the collection plate. Envelopes are available to designate donations. 


Text to Give

We are excited to launch text to give! Super simple and quick.

Text the word give to 902-801-8660. You'll receive a reply asking how much you want to donate. Enter any amount, press send, and you're done.

Note that the first time you use text to give, you will be directed to our online system to set up your information. Once that is done, all you need to do is text give to donate anytime. 

Text Now

Donate Online

Donate online instantly through our website.

This is an easy way to:
- make one-time donations to specific funds,
- set up a recurring donation amount to be automatically debited, and;
- make changes to your recurring donation amounts or profile.

You can access this feature with any internet browser, including from your phone or tablet.

Donate Now

Donate by Debit or Credit

Want to tap a debit card or use your credit card to make a direct donation? We have a Square point of sale machine for that.

Drop in to the office during office hours to donate using any card, or call us to donate by credit card over the phone.  

The Square will be available for Sunday offering as well. No need to remember cash or cheque, just tap and go!

Call Us

Legacy Giving 

We hope that you will consider including St. Andrew's in your legacy giving, such as a will bequest, a life insurance policy, or an investment beneficiary.

Unless directed otherwise, legacy gifts are invested in our trusts, which enable us to maintain financial stability, plan long-term, and continue our work in the community. 

Saint Andrew's has been serving the Halifax community for over 200 years. With a legacy gift, you can a be a part of the next 200+.

 Read More

Donate Stocks or Shares

We welcome in-kind donations of stocks or shares. Please click below to contact us for options - such as processing the donation through CanadaHelps, or sending it directly to our Investment managers. 

You can direct the donation towards particular work or a ministry fund at Saint Andrew's, or assist us in growing our investments. 

 Contact Us